Aeternam Labs


As an aspiring webmaster, I'd like to take this opportunity to pay my respects to some other websites that have inspired, informed, and entertained me.

neocities, the host of this website, and a true pillar of the web today. In an age of websites that are full of bloated javascript and tracking, neocities reminds us that the pure, honest side of the net is still alive and well.
wiby, a search engine for the classic web. Look around and admire the beauty of a simpler time.
hacker news. The overall ethos of the community is a bit weird, but it does its job well, being a link aggregator for tech news and related subjects. It's like reddit if it stayed simple and functional instead of becoming a modern social media nightmare., another link aggregator/reddit-style forum. A simple and fun site with that approachable small community vibe I always crave. 'Tis still the greatest place, the greatest place to post!
spacehey, a fully functional recreation of myspace in its heyday. Need I say more?
newgrounds. It's fucking Newgrounds bitch!, a genuine institution of the internet. Extremely important to data preservation as a whole. Useful for finding all kinds of things, and easy to contribute. Socialist literature. Basedpilled, etc.
erowid. The vaults of Erowid! An ancient and still excellent source of information, featuring a reasonably comprehensive list of psychoactive plants, fungi, and chemicals, with a good amount of info on most of them. The trip reports are always a fun read, too. Features some beautiful '90s web design that has not changed since the site's inception.
psychonaut wiki. A newer site similar to Erowid, though laid out differently, and with more of an emphasis on pure chemicals than whole plants and fungi. Contains some useful information that Erowid doesn't have, especially on new research chemicals.
shroomery. A classic forum site dedicated to hallucinogens. Good stuff.
dmt-nexus, yet another site about hallucinogens, mainly tryptamines. Has some quite artistic web design that kinda reminds me of Osamu Sato's work.

more will be added whenever i feel like it

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