Aeternam Labs


Welcome to the garden of madness! Here you'll find a catalogue of my work, my passions, and generally things that interest me, with a special focus on the esoteric, obscure, and underexplored. Have a drink, take a seat, and enjoy your stay.

You may wonder, who am I, the webmaster of it all? I go by many names, for example, Valerie. Any pronouns are fine.
My main contacts include the following:


Other links may also be mentioned on this site, where relevant, but I'm less likely to respond to messages on places like soundcloud and bandcamp, or emails.

Additionally, I'm planning to roll my own Matrix and Pleroma instances soon, so look out for that if you're interested, I suppose.

As you can probably tell, this site is very much work-in-progress. More content and better styling/formatting are still to come. Do note however that javascript and complex CSS are not planned features. I'm aiming to keep this site mostly compatible with text-based browsers like lynx and w3m as well as small GUI browsers like Dillo.

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